Thanks to the generosity of our Corporate Sponsors, Individual Donors and Charitable Grants, we’ve been able to support and foster programs that have made a true difference in the lives of individuals living on the autism spectrum. We invite you to join us. Sponsors names and website links will appear on our supporters page and other media. Autism Alliance SoCal offers the opportunity for service providers serving individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities to share information about their programs among our over 1200 subscribers.
Autism Alliance SoCal professional membership benefits include:
Please join the AASC in fulfilling its mission with your annual Professional Membership that allows us to continue to provide the essential information and resources our young men and women on the autism spectrum need to embrace challenges and successfully transition to adulthood.
Please join us!
Professional Memberships are $250.00 annually.
To pay with a credit card or PayPal, please click the “PAY NOW" button below. For check payments, please make check payable to Autism Alliance SoCal and mail to 350 N. Glendale Ave, Suite B, #287, Glendale, CA 91206.
Thank you for your support!
Autism Alliance SoCal, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation (EIN 95-4731444)
P: (818) 662-8847 (818) 66-AUTISM
A: 350 N. Glendale Ave. Suite B, #287, Glendale, CA 91206