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In 1998, a handful of parents spearheaded by Bob Schneider and his wife, Yudi Bennett, came together to support one another and our children with autism on a journey into the unknown. We adopted the name Foothill Autism Alliance and dedicated over 20 years blazing trails in search of information about this new diagnosis, best practices and qualified resources, sharing what we found and advocating for schools to make them available. Because of our efforts and the accomplishments of our children--which far exceeded expectations--educators now recognize the potential in young children on the spectrum, the developmentally disabled at large and the importance of investing in all of them.


We continue to blaze trails but have shifted our focus to the needs of spectrum teens and adults, laying groundwork for “life after graduation” and independent living. Currently, there are few resources equipped to support person-centered ambitions to secure and sustain meaningful employment and safe living in a home of their own with trusted friends and a network of natural supports they can reach out to in times of need.

Whether these special young men and women choose to pursue a college degree, further skills through trade courses, or jump straight into a job, we offer shoulders to lean on, occasions to learn, opportunities to explore and resources to support these earnest individuals through tumultuous times of transition to new beginnings that are self-directed and fulfilling.


The futures of our children on the spectrum are unknown. We have an enormous task ahead of us, working to ensure that Youth and Adults on the spectrum are empowered to fulfill their individual potential and to participate in society to the fullest extent possible. FAA will continue to deliver the highest quality programs—workshops, resource meetings, and social events— to help our young adults lead meaningful lives and pursue their dreams so that all their tomorrows will be bright.

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Autism Alliance SoCal, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation (EIN 95-4731444)

Contact Us

P: (818) 662-8847 (818) 66-AUTISM

E: info@autismsocal.org

A: 350 N. Glendale Ave. Suite B, #287, Glendale, CA 91206